Deo Gloria LLC
This is the corporate home page of Deo Gloria, LLC, a Roswell, Georgia (USA) company established in January 2002.
Our mission is to provide affordable, high quality tutoring services backed by responsive and involved customer care.
We achieve this through two divisions: In-Home Tutors which operates in several cities, with our strength in Atlanta and Orlando. And HomeworkCoach, our innovative approach to serving students with ADHD.
Our Founders
The directors of Deo Gloria, LLC are Dennis and Deelee Freeman. Dennis has an MA in Psychology and spent most of his career in high-tech sales and marketing. Deelee has an MA in Communications and has worked in a range of business consulting, training and human resources roles for financial and technology firms.
Day to day operations are handled by Dennis. Deelee manages her own successful consultancy, Call Center Training Associates.
Founded in 2002
We started low-key, using money borrowed from Dennis’ parents, quickly building a sustainable client base, helped by the fact that there was not a lot of competion for in-home tutoring in 2002. The competition has grown a lot over the years with well-funded entrants like Varsity Tutors, but interestingly, it’s become a little easier post-Covid, as many of our competitors are choosing to focus on online tutoring.
Orlando Office 2007
After 5 years we expanded beyond Atlanta to Orlando. More by luck than design, the heart of our business in Orlando consists of serving foster children and other children with special needs. We have long-standing relationships with several agencies, including Family Partnerships of Central Florida, Foundation for Foster Children and Devereux’s BNET program. As in Atlanta, we also serve parents seeking private tutors to come to their homes.
HomeworkCoach 2010
We launched HomeworkCoach with a cheap press release in 2010 and over time it has grown to become the star in the Deo Gloria LLC firmament. As far as we can tell, no-one else is providing affordable in-home “homework coaches” who help students with ADHD stay on top of their schoolwork. With minimal marketing, we get calls from all over the United States. Our coaches seek to keep their students on task with current assignments while also building executive function skills so that they can succeed on their own. In September 2024, we successfully obtained trademark registration for HomeworkCoach®.
We are in the position of a little child, entering a huge library whose walls are covered to the ceiling with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written those books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books, a mysterious order, which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of the human mind, even the greatest and most cultured, toward God.
– Albert Einstein
About our Name
Deo Gloria means “To God be the Glory” and we chose this name to remind ourselves that everything we do as a company should, in some way, bring glory to God. Our understanding of what that means has evolved over the years but our core values have never changed. We seek to treat all customers and tutors with kindness and respect, being willing, when needed, to put their needs ahead of our revenue or profits. We value honesty and integrity and will never pretend we are anything more than a small home-based business, trying to make a difference in our clients’ lives while earning our daily bread.
Corporate Contact
Mailing Address
4629 Clary Lakes Dr Roswell, GA 30075